Response written to response.txt Mission Statement - Church of the 49ers, Columbia CA

Our Mission Statement

At the Church of the 49ers, we are committed to embracing the richness of our Presbyterian heritage. We stand united in faith and purpose, driven by a passion to make a meaningful difference in the lives of others. With open hearts and hands extended in love and prayer, we strive to be catalysts for positive change, embodying the transformative power of God’s Word and the timeless values that guide us to create disciples of Christ through community outreach. Together we envision a brighter future where hope flourishes, lives are transformed, and God’s love reigns supreme.


Mission Statement from the Church By-Laws
The Church of the ‘49ers exists to glorify God and enjoy Him forever. We will achieve this through:
Worship — by expressing our love for God directly to Him;
Nurture — by studying and teaching God’s Word;
Fellowship — by direct association and involvement with other believers;
Outreach — by inviting the lost to the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ.
We will see to fulfill this purpose in a way consistent with Scripture through the Spiritual Gifts in our church. We will strive to minister to the needs of ALL people while being committed to Jesus Christ, His church, and His work in the world. In all things we will seek to be a people of prayer, realizing our complete dependence upon God the Father.