Response written to response.txt FAQs For Visitors - Church of the 49ers, Columbia CA

FAQs For Visitors

What kind of church is this?  We have been Presbyterian since the church was established in 1854. We have always been a community church as well, better known by our nickname, “Church of the 49ers.” We actively reach out to our neighbors, to bring the love of Christ to them in their spiritual and material needs. (Link to ECO)

What are your worship services like?  Our Sunday worship service, from 10:00 to  11:00 a.m. every week, has a traditional structure, with music, liturgy and sermon. Communion is celebrated each first Sunday of the month. Our worship music is varied – from well loved hymns to contemporary praise songs. Sermons are scriptural, Christ-focused and practical for everyday living. Follow this link to listen to recent sermons. (Link to Sermons)  After the service everyone is invited next door to Faith Hall for healthy refreshments and conversation.

How should I dress for church?  Any way you’d like − we don’t have a dress code! Please wear whatever is comfortable for you – though modesty is appreciated!

What kind of disability assistance is available?  We have a wheelchair-accessible ramp to the right side of the sanctuary, and two short pews to allow room for wheelchairs. Assistive listening devices are available – just ask an usher. There is a handicap-accessible restroom just off the right rear of the sanctuary.

What about my kids?  We are always delighted to welcome children into our worship, and children of any age may stay with their families during the service, or go to Sunday School in the CE building, rooms 1 and 2. Children stay with parents for first part of Sunday service then are excused to Sunday School.

How can I get connected?  We ask visitors to fill out the information sheet included in the bulletin, with contact information and requests, and put into the offering box in back of the Sanctuary. If you are in need of prayer or experiencing a difficulty, please let us know by talking to the Pastor following worship, or ask anyone to direct you to an Elder or Deacon; and/or leaving a note on the information sheet.

Can I rent your sanctuary or social hall?  Yes! Contact Deb Johnson in the church office Tuesday-Friday for information about renting our facilities – available for weddings and receptions, memorials, nonprofit events, and meetings.

Check out the rest of our website for more answers to your questions!