Response written to response.txt Ministries - Church of the 49ers, Columbia CA


Please refer to the church bulletin for details


Children stay with their parents during the first half of the worship service. Then children are dismissed to Sunday School held in the Christian Education building. Bible-based fun activities focusing on Jesus, such as memory verse games and Bible stories, are provided for our children who are learning about worship.

Jesus tells us to love our neighbor as ourselves. Pastoral care is the way we make that love specific and tangible: sharing joys and sorrow, supporting one another in times of stress and need, offering mutual forgiveness and reconciliation. We have  ordained Deacons who regularly contact people on their care lists to offer pastoral care. The Deacons also provide other services to parishioners in need, and they organize receptions for memorial services with help from church members.

All women are invited to a no-host lunch at various restaurants in the area on the second Thursday monthly. See the church bulletin for details.

All men are invited to a monthly no-host breakfast. See the church bulletin for details.

Other ministries and opportunities for service within the Church of the 49ers:

Buildings & Grounds Committee
Meets monthly to deal with issues of maintenance, repair, and improvement of the buildings and grounds. Organizes all-church work parties to spruce up the campus.

Christian Education
An opportunity to work with our children, as a Sunday School teacher or aide, or to assist in the nursery.

Fellowship Committee
Meets bimonthly to organize fellowship refreshments for each Sunday following worship, and to plan opportunities for congregation members to get to know each other, like theater outings, church picnics and other social events, etc.

Finance Committee
Meets monthly to ensure that our church is in, and remains in good fiscal health. The committee provides Session with recommendations related to the church’s annual budget and its implementation, and provides input to developing future projections.

History Committee
Meets monthly for the purpose of preserving and maintaining the archives of the church for future generations. Committee members develop projects that will convey to the community the church’s rich heritage dating from the middle of the 19th century.  Link to the History Page

Parish Nursing
Our Parish Nurse offers blood pressure checks monthly for congregation members. She also coordinates members’ training in CPR and Rescue Breathing and use of the church’s emergency defibrillator.

Welcome & Evangelism Committee
Meets monthly to make the church known in the community, through advertising and publicity, and participation in fairs, events, etc. Also works with the pastor to conduct Inquirers’ Classes for newer people, and to integrate them into the congregation. Publishes the church pictorial directory and a monthly newsletter, the Golden Nugget. Follow this link to view and download the newsletter

Worship Committee
Meets monthly to assist the pastor in planning worship services by providing and training Communion servers, liturgists, Scripture readers and ushers and helping with plans and decorations for special worship services.